“The way colors spread, merge and transform is like magic.”

Lisa Mazur is a Berkeley, CA based artist who creates bright, brilliant paintings that uniquely celebrate what we surround ourselves with everyday. Her art blends vibrant colors that seamlessly merge on paper or canvas, creating one of a kind results as if by magic.

Lisa’s painting style draws inspiration from her graphic design background, her passion for pattern, and a fascination with deconstructing objects into simple colors and shapes. The use of inks or paint for her art transforms her graphic approach, turning out work that is entirely free from the constraints of digital design. She loves that the inks and paint have a mind of their own, free-flowing without the luxury of an “undo” button. Lisa embraces this spontaneity and just goes with it. Her process is liberating and fun, leading to unexpected results once the colors dry.

She chose watercolor inks as one of her favorite mediums because they provide the opportunity to turn a traditional art material on its head. She feels that there is often a preconceived idea of what watercolor paintings, particularly florals, should look like. When she paints flowers, plants and all things nature, she imbues them with her own bold, graphic style.

Lisa’s mission is to bring beautiful art into people’s lives, allowing them to transform their environments and spread joy to those who immerse themselves in it. 

In addition to her art, Lisa is also the founder of Lisa Mazur Design, a multidisciplinary design company, and the creator and host of “What A Rebel!”, the podcast that delves into the spirited minds and fearless hearts of creative changemakers.